Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Realising ones own faults

This must be one of the worst lean period of my life, of course till date. No one knows what the future holds. Owing to shortage of attendance the anatomy department did not allow me to seat for the first professional which means I am still languishing in the first year while my class mates are in second year. Such a disgrace. Actually my attendance was lacking in all the three departments. Although the heads of the other two dept. agreed to allow me to seat in supplementary exam the head of the anatomy dept, a middleaged woman from whom the students prefer to maitain safe distance, balked.
I could have gone insane but I had not. I am still sane. Amidst all the heartbreaks, shame and disgracefullness I did not failed to see my own fault. I do not blame madam. It is me who is responsible for this mishap. I am the one who who gave the classes a miss, instead spending time at home playing games and surfing the net. Madam is only doing her duty.
Realising one own shortcomings and faults certainly help one to remain sane.

1 comment:

Scoot said...

I had some terrible times too,going through all that shock and embarassment will nurture you and shake you up at the same time.
Don't worry.Just take things as they come