Each of the two religions , Buddhism and Christanity, have two respective legends regarding their founder i.e Gautam Buddha and Jesus
Christ.It is said that once a grief stricken mother requested Jesus to resurrect her dead son.Jesus, the kindly person he that was and
also one with supernatural powers, was touched by the mother's heart rending pleas and he brought the dead boy back to life. Similarly
a mother who had lost his only son to death came to Buddha and implored him to restore her son to life. However Buddha chose a
different path from that of Jesus in dealing with the matter. As most of us know that the seer told the woman that he would give her son
back only if she could get him a handful of mustard from a household which had never known death and sorrow. The mother went off
with hpoes but soon ,as was intended, she realised there was no such household in this world.Thus Buddha helped the woman to
realize the tuth- death, sorrow all are part of the life.We have to take them in our stride. No point in avoiding the truth.I personally think Buddha was more practical and also correct in every way. He showed the truth. The cycle of life and death should
continue uninterrupted you folks think?
please note I am not here to malign any particular religion.I am neither a Buddhist nor a Christan and I respect both the religion in equal
You have got a great insight.Your blog is excellent.You have an excellent writing style.
Thanks for visiting my blog
The truth always comes to the fore and that is what our quest is all about
How can you respect both religions in equal measure? Have Buddhists ever killed and tortured other people and nations in the name of their beliefs?
Its true we all must die. dying is part of life. Even if Jesus did bring back the dead...that person will not live forever and will die again.
Hi Kristin, I can guess which religion you might possibly be reffering to.Since you chose not to name it I too keep it that way.
No religion directs its followers to harm any one from other religion. So those who kill people in the name of a particular religion you can't call them religious.You call them terrorists. Terrorism is their religion. For a handful of miscreants you cannot demonize the whole religion. At this difficult time we must realize it otherwise time will become simply more difficult.
Hi Indian Boy...
The crux is the 'way'. Persons Who are killing innocents are immature and they might be ok at their heart, but they are unknowingly causing harm to humanity...
In HINDU texts, there it is told in Upnishads that - 'Ekam Satya bahudha vadanti' means One truth is differently told by different people in different times! If you refer the Buddha's teaching he used to say to all his enlightened disciple that Your way to spreading the my path must be compassion only. Similar thing is practiced by Mahaveer and 'Jains' and many other religions. Only two religions are having such extremist disciples that they committing ill manners in spreading their belief. In my view only those religions are deepest and most respectful which welcome others faith without creating any conflicts. And those religions which think that others are inferior, they don't know that they themselves are inferior...! That's the truth.
Have you all no respect for religion?
One thing I’ve always lived by is; never discuss/debate over religion & politics…. & frankly if you'll have no other work; go out & find some.
You people have some serious time on ur hands; to waste it over discussions which frankly will get U’ll nowhere.
I'm a Christian (Roman Catholic) & my guy is a Hindu btw... So pls leave the religious beliefs for the priests & pundits yeah.....
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